Summer Programs

Pioneer-to-the-Past Daycamp


Join us at the Dinsmore Homestead for an adventurous summer camp exploring great events from American History - no technology needed!
Blaze a trail through the wilderness with Lewis and Clark, celebrate the 4th of July at a turn-of-the century fair, and cool off at the local swimming hole!
Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance to participate in events from days gone by.

The first session of this day camp is scheduled for June 16th through June 20th, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Session Two is scheduled for July 14th through July 18th. Dinsmore Homestead will provide lunch one day and snacks every day. The cost is $130 per child with deductions for siblings and museum members.

To register please call Cathy Collopy at (859)586-6117 or email

Camp Publicity/Behavior Agreement